The Christian Cultural Association of South Asians (CCASA) was established in 1995 to promote good relations between people of South Asian origin, and to improve both image and understanding between this Association and Canadian Society. We are a non-religious, non-political, non-profit organization making strategic investments to build healthy, sustainable and caring communities in Canada. We understand the need for creating a positive community experience which benefits both immigrants in particular and Canadian society in general.

- To assist deserving South Asians to immigrate to Canada;
- to help newcomers to adjust and realize their potential as full participants in Canadian society;
- to disseminate information concerning education, culture and opportunities in Canada to members of the Association;
- to promote positive recognition of immigrants and their contributions to Canadian society;
- to protect the rights and interests of Association members and to serve as a national voice to government agencies and the public at large;
- to provide a forum for issues relating to women, children and seniors;
- to visit all shut-ins, sick and needy people in our community;
- to provide mentoring and proper guidance for youth.
We declare our support for all basic human rights and abhor discrimination of any kind, including political, racial, economic, sexual, religious and any other prejudicial forms of discrimination.
Samuel Laldin is the founder of the Christian Cultural Association of South Asians, an organization that helps members connect with government services and other non-profit organizations. He leads needs-assessment seminars and creates programs for seniors to help them remain active and engaged in their communities.

We may be reached through:
Dr. Samuel Laldin CEO
CCASA Office, 33 Forsythe Avenue Suit 1 Kingston, Ontario Canada K7M 2M1
Our Phone Number
+1 613-546-9286
Our Email
Our Fax
+1 613-546-3164
Membership Application Form
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